I'm so tired of seeing hate, in the news, on facebook, in real life.
I'm tired of being hated because I'm Christian. I try and show nothing but love to people, regardless on if I even like the person, but I'm hated in return by some. I face criticism because of a small minority of people who do not actually live a Christian lifestyle but claim to be Christian, and suddenly they have apparently tainted the religion with a false image. I don't claim to be perfect. I sin, I fail to live a Christian life sometimes. Sometimes I let the world rule me, but I try. Every day I recommit myself to the best of my ability to Christ, and to living the way He would want me to live. I give what I can to people who need it, I show love and compassion as much as I am capable, and I try and teach my kids the same. It hurts sometimes that people cannot separate what they think they know about Christians, to what the religion is really about.
I'm tired of being hated because I am a republican. I don't always agree with all republicans. Sometimes the republicans in congress and the senate have some really stupid ideas. They are just regular people after all. However, when it comes down to it, I agree with the basic platform that republicans stand for. I believe in a small federal government, one that is there to protect our country from outside invasion and to handle disputes that make it to the federal level. I believe in state power, in the fact that all states are unique, as are the people who live in them. I believe in the right to choose. I am pro-life, I will NEVER say I am pro-choice, however, I will not take the choice away. I want the right to choose if I'm going to vaccinate my children or not without the gov't telling me what THEY think I should do. I want the right to teach my own children at home, without the gov't telling me I am unable. I believe in taking care of our military, and keeping it strong and healthy in order to protect our country, or the people in other countries when needed. I'm tired of hearing we're war-mongering or that we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. People there were dying, women had no rights, at all. They weren't even allowed to go to school. Now, dictators aren't killing their own people, and women have those rights to an education. How is this a bad thing? Please explain it to me? Liberals say they are all for civil rights, but then turn around and say we should have stayed out of those countries. If we had, then women would still have no rights, and Saddam would still be killing thousands of his people. Remember what happened the last time we ignored genocide? But us conservatives, who think we should be there, should be helping these countries (and seriously, if it was for the oil, why are the gas prices so high still?) are calling war-mongers, and hate provokers. I honestly just don't get it.
I'm tired of being hated and called names because I don't accept all lifestyles. I've never told someone that they had to be a different way. I've never treated someone differently because they didn't live the life I do. Yes, I probably won't be really super close friends with you if you're a vastly different religion and live a lifestyle I don't believe in living, but I'm not going to call you names, or harass you, or hate you. I'll still treat you as I do everyone else, with respect and love.
Honestly, there are bad people, and extremists in everything, there are extremist liberals, Christians, conservatives, any lifestyle, or belief you can think of has its extremists. We need to stop clumping people together. I don't believe the terrorists are Muslims, and I don't believe Muslims are evil, the terrorists are not good people though, but I can distinguish them from Muslims. I think more people need to practice that. Not all Christians are bad, just because you've met a few who were "pushy, hypocritical, weird, abrasive, etc". Oh, and everyone is hypocritical at some point, it's just inevitable. It's why the saying, don't throw stones at glass houses is appropriate for everyone. Yes, I'm Christian, no I don't always act like it, why? Because I'm only human, please don't judge me for that and I won't judge you for being a heathen.
Legal disclaimer: This is MY blog, MY opinion and if you don't like it you have the right to disregard anything I'm saying, or even better, not reading it.
God Bless and have a GREAT day! :)
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